1992 The Church was founded by a small band of Bible-believing Christians.
The 16 founder members initially met in rented premises. During the first year
the church was accepted as a member of the Baptist Union of Great Britain.
1996 We were able, with help from various Baptist funding facilities, to purchase
our own building.
1999 The next major step of faith was to seek the Lord with regard to calling our
own Minister. After much prayer, and on the clear direction of the Lord, the Church
called Rev. Malcolm Thorpe and he accepted the Pastorate on a half stipendiary basis.
2003/4 As a result of faithful giving, we no longer required Home Mission support.
2005/6 Due to continued generous giving, we were able to complete repayment of
existing loans and, with new loans, undertake a major extension to the premises.
2007 With the retirement of Pastor Malcolm, the Lord called a long-standing member
and serving Deacon, John Wood, to be our Pastor.
2008 Pastor John was accepted for Accreditation with the Baptist Union of Great
Britain, and commenced part-time studies at Bristol Baptist College, while continuing
to serve as part-time Pastor.
2009 March The worship area was enlarged, to include a platform and baptistry.
2011 September 17th the Ordination and Induction of John Samuel Wood as our
full time Pastor.
2014 Pastor John Wood served until the end of 2014.
2018 On the 5th April we converted from an unincorporated organisation to an
Registered Charity No: 1176587.
7th April Induction of Revd. David Middleton as our full time Pastor.
2022 January Revd. David Middleton resigned and we entered another period of interregnum.
2022 - present We are being excellently served by visiting preachers.